Thursday, June 12, 2008


awww i saw this on geekologie (article here), poor littles:

look at his face!
also if this is some kind of huge scam like, i dont know, fucking bonzai kittens, then sorry i am dumb.
from the article it was found in:
"In waterfront Qingdao, vendors were selling heart shaped plastic keychains sealed with a live goldfish inside. Since the keychains are completely sealed there is very little air and no way to feed the fish inside.
“The fish would survive just a few hours, and would be lucky to make it from the manufacturers to the point of sale. We are shocked and appalled. It is a gimmick and shows no respect for the animals at all.”
One of the 2008 Olympics mascot HuanHuan was printed on the bag and although it is not an official Olympic item, it just goes to shows a complete lack of respect for all the fish who will die in these keychains."

1 comment:

Taryn said...

i don't think anybody cares enough about goldfish to fake this. have you ever seen those huge platforms from the disco era that had goldfish in them? i wish i owned a pair. and one of these keychains.